
Top 5 recommended e-sports lineups for League of Legends


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Top 5 recommended e-sports lineups for League of Legends
发布日期:2024-08-16 10:39    点击次数:65

Top 5 recommended e-sports lineups for League of Legends


League of Legends (LoL) is a massively popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that has dominated the world of e-sports for many years. It requires a great deal of teamwork, strategy, and skill to succeed in this game, making it an exciting and competitive e-sports platform.

Top 5 recommended e-sports lineups for League of Legends

Choosing the right e-sports lineup is crucial to winning in League of Legends. Here are the top five recommended e-sports lineups.

Lineup #1: SK Telecom T1

SK Telecom T1 is a South Korean team that has won multiple championships in League of Legends. Their lineup includes Faker, who is considered one of the best mid-laners in the world, and Clid, who is renowned for his aggressive playstyle as a jungler. Together, they form an unstoppable duo that can carry their team to victory.

Lineup #2: Invictus Gaming

Invictus Gaming is a Chinese team that won the 2018 League of Legends World Championship. Their lineup is well-balanced, with TheShy as their top-laner, Ning as their jungler, Rookie as their mid-laner, JackeyLove as their AD carry, and Baolan as their support. They have great communication and synergy, making them a formidable force in the e-sports scene.

Lineup #3: Team Liquid

Team Liquid is an American team that has dominated the North American League Championship Series (NALCS) for many years. Their lineup includes Doublelift as their AD carry, who is known for his exceptional mechanics and decision-making skills. They also have Impact as their top-laner, who is a veteran player with a lot of experience and knowledge of the game.

Lineup #4: G2 Esports

G2 Esports is a European team that won the 2019 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational. Their lineup is composed of Wunder as their top-laner, Jankos as their jungler, Caps as their mid-laner, Perkz as their AD carry, and Mikyx as their support. They are known for their unconventional playstyle and ability to adapt to any situation.

Lineup #5: FunPlus Phoenix

FunPlus Phoenix is a Chinese team that won the 2019 League of Legends World Championship. Their lineup includes GimGoon as their top-laner, Tian as their jungler, Doinb as their mid-laner, Lwx as their AD carry, and Crisp as their support. They are known for their aggressive playstyle and ability to snowball their advantages early in the game.


Choosing the right e-sports lineup is crucial to winning in League of Legends. The above-mentioned teams have proven their reputation and skills in the game. Each lineup has its unique strengths and strategies, making them formidable challengers in the e-sports scene. As the game continues to evolve and teams look for new and inventive strategies, we will see even more innovative and dominating e-sports lineups in the future.